The Math Placement Test (MPT) is a series of tests used to help place college-bound students into the correct mathematics course. There are currently three MPT tests given:

  • MPT-General (MPT-G), also known as the College Readiness Math Test. This test is aligned with the Washington state College Readiness Mathematics Standards, and is intended to show that a student is ready for some, but not necessarily all, college level math courses.
  • MPT-Intermediate (MPT-I), is intended to show that students are ready for pre-calculus level mathematics courses.
  • MPT-Advanced (MPT-A), is intended to show that students are ready for calculus-level mathematics courses.

This site provides practice problems for the MPT-G test. While students planning to take the MPT-I or MPT-A tests may find this practice useful, there are topics covered on the intermediate and advanced tests that are not covered here.

This site is not created by or officially endorsed by UW-OEA, the administrators of the MPT tests. For more information about the tests, and to see some official sample problems, you are encouraged to visit the official MPT website.

To begin your practice, enter a phone number and your name below. You will receive a randomly-selected set of practice questions representing the general areas of content that appear on the MPT-G. While the general areas of content are the same, you should not expect to questions on the actual MPT-G to necessarily be similar to the questions you see in this practice.

To begin your practice:

Which practice would you like to work on?

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Built on IMathAS © 2006 David Lippman